Saturday, July 20, 2013

POSTER POCKETS Organize your posters

There was a lot of stuff in my classroom when I moved in. That can be a curse and a blessing. That means that I don't have to spend money on a lot of things new teachers need to get and I know that if the other teachers in the school have it, I probably have it somewhere, too.
That's where the problem is...SOMEWHERE in my room are a million things that I don't even know I have! So... "Just throw it all out," you say? Oh, I wish I could... but I didn't know what I needed to keep and what I could dump.  After 2 years, I'm starting to figure out what I use most often (the problem is... I keep trying new things!!!!) and I can start getting rid of some things.....

Here is my big-yellow-rolly-cart that holds all of my posters, borders, and such things... Does anyone have a better name for this?!
ANYWAY!!!!!................ There are very thin drawers to hold all of the posters and borders you can imagine! It is very nice storage with tons of space. This is one of those things I'm very glad that I have inherited. Inside were a million posters all jumbled into one giant mess. I don't think I actually opened it up my first year because it was impossible to find anything. So... last summer, one of my projects was to organize that sucker!

I took EVERYTHING out (Oofda! There was a lot!), and sorted them into piles. While I was doing that I came across some giant sheets of poster paper! So working with what I had, I folded the poster paper nearly in half but with about 3 inches left up top to Label the new POSTER POCKET according to which posters went in. Then I stapled up the sides.

Then I took pictures of each bunch so that I could tape them to the front of the POSTER POCKET and see what was inside each pocket. 

When it came time for the borders, I lay the poster paper the long way and accordion folded it until it made about 3 sections to hold borders. I stapled up the sides, trimmed down the borders, and voila! I've got my own border control!  I do not have a picture at this time, but I will post it when I do!
Finally, I designated each drawer to specific POSTER POCKETS: borders in the top drawer, social studies and science in the next drawer, reading/language arts in the third, etc...

It is so much easier to find what I'm looking for now! And I also know what I have in the drawers, which is a huge step from before I started the project!

How do you organize your posters and borders?

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