Classroom Set-Up and Organization

Crate Seats!

As I've been pinning throughout the summer, it seemed that nearly every teacher had a type of crate seat in their classroom, and I thought, "Uh! I want me some of those!" So I googled directions on how to make them and what materials to use, and let me just tell you... I ended up not using anything I found on google and I went to my most reliable source... MY GRANDPARENTS! 
My Grandpa Jim has always helped me with any projects I have and so has my Grandma Judy. I told them what my plan was and already, I could see the wheels in their heads turning as they brainstormed the best way to do these: Do we set the cushion inside on the lip of the crate and use a pull tab to open them? Do we put hinges on the back? Well, we decided to build a frame that fit snuggly inside on the lip but have the cushion above that sitting on top of the crate.
We didn't have any plans, we just went with it and made decisions as they came up, so I wouldn't think to even try sharing it... but I think they turned out so dang cute that I felt I should at least give it a shot!

~All of my amounts are for 6 crate seats, so adjust depending on how many seats you plan on making~

To start with, I bought 6 crates in 3 different colors (teal, green, and white) at Target. They are under $4 a piece. You will also need 1 sheet of Plywood, 2 long pieces of 1"x 2s", quilt batting, foam, material of your choice, a staple gun, staples, a drill, wood screws, and we used a jigsaw and sander for the corners of the plywood.

You can choose which type of batting you prefer. We mixed and matched a little bit. You will need approx. 22" of batting for each seat.

We cut each piece of plywood 13 3/4" X 15 3/4" then rounded the corners off. Same for the foam. You don't need to round the corners of the foam because you'll be pulling the batting tight around the corners and that should help. We got 45" x 44" pieces of fabric to make 2 seats by cutting it in half (22.5"x 44")

 So... place the foam on top of the plywood, and the batting on top of the foam so there are equal amounts hanging on each side. Then flip it all over. Pull up your corners first, nice and tight, and then staple. After you get all the corners done, proceed to do each side, trimming all excess material as you go. We found that doing opposite sides worked best to keep everything nice and even. Then do the same thing with the fabric. Only, there will be a lot of fabric hanging on one side and that is to cover the bottom of the plywood. You don't have to do this, but I thought it gave it a neat and clean look to it.
Depending on what type of staple gun you are using, you may have to hammer the staples in to the plywood to get them smooth.

When we got to the last piece, we folded the bottom under and stapled it down so that we didn't have strings fraying on the edge.

With the first part done, the second part requires some accuracy, and that is why I let Grandpa do it! You will need to cut your 1x2 in to 11 1/4"(x12) and 13 1/8"(x12). You will need two of each for each seat. 
Then fit them snuggly together like little puzzle pieces and screw them into place!

They will turn out like this!!!!  Aren't they just fun looking with all of their different patterns?!
 I will be using mine at my small group table. They are so much more comfortable than the student chairs and the are twice as useful since you can store things inside of them, as well!!!


 I also started another project last week and I am nearly done, with: DUCT TAPE LAMPS!!!
Sure... most of the lamp is normal: I found on Craig's List a hotel refurnishing place that had all floor lamps for $10! So I bought three of them in that old brassy color (Bleh!) and I spray painted over it using Rust-O-Leum paint to match the rest of the decor in my room (GREEN!).  But the shades that came with them were just plain Jane white! So I went to target and found some of that pretty duct tape they have now and did up the shades in a cutesy pattern! What do you think! I'm pretty proud of myself!

I've got a couple more projects I hope to have up by the end of next week. I've been working in my room to get rid of all the junk(I have dumped about 6 boxes of "stuff" in the teachers lounge for people to pick and choose from!) and get it all ready for September, but they will be waxing the floors in front of my room next week so I'm out until the 26th! Ugh! So close... and yet way way WAY too far away!
Until next time... enjoy these last few weeks of sunshine and summer!

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